New Tenant Rights, Homeless Accommodations, Youth Programs, and other COVID-19 Updates

May 29, 2020

New Tenant Protections Prohibit Evictions

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This Tuesday, in a unanimous vote the City Council expanded tenant protections that it had previously approved in March, preventing tenants from being evicted while the state of emergency is in place. This action aligns the City’s eviction moratorium with that of Alameda County, which was amended last month.

Specifically, this gives tenants who have lost income as a result of the COVID-19 crisis up to a year to pay back unpaid rent. This includes in group living arrangements where the tenants are collectively responsible for payment of rent and a tenant leaves, reducing the ability of the remaining tenants to pay rent. Tenants are not allowed to be evicted if they are unable to pay, but can be taken to court if not paid within a year. Tenants who did not lose income during this crisis must pay back immediately after the state of emergency ends (there is currently no end date for the state of emergency). 

New Sites for Berkeley’s Homeless

Also on Tuesday, the City Council took additional steps in opening new sites for our homeless. Berkeley Food and Housing Project (BFHP) will provide wrap-around services at three new sites that will be used for COVID-19 respite. The sites include 8 trailers on University Avenue with a maximum capacity of 8-10 people, a 4 bedroom house on Sixth Street with a maximum capacity of 4 people, and 10 trailers on Harrison Street with a maximum capacity of 20 people. Services include daily wellness checks, delivery of three meals a day, coordination of laundry services twice a week, and hygiene and cleaning supplies. 

This is just one part of the continued work the City is doing to provide outreach and assistance to our unhoused community. The recent expansion of the shower program has been very successful. Just last week, Berkeley Mental Health outreach teams made seven visits to five encampments over the course of two days. During these visits, the team interacted with 85 people and provided 51 masks, 45 hand sanitizers, 124 bags of food, and 79 water bottles. Outreach teams are also assessing people for potential COVID-19 testing and other medical needs. 

Summer Camps for Kids

We are excited to announce new Summer 2020 youth day camp sessions that will operate in compliance with the current public health guidelines. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City made the difficult decision to cancel all previously scheduled Summer 2020 programs and offer full refunds to registered participants, but new directives have made opening up possible - with restrictions. These new programs will run primarily outdoors in City of Berkeley parks, Monday through Friday, for participants ages 5-12.

Registration opened yesterday, and you can find details and register here . If you have additional questions, you can contact the Recreation Division at or call them at 510-981-5150.

Wearing a Face Covering Saves Lives


Masks and facial coverings remain a vital tool in preventing the spread of the virus. The virus is known to spread by becoming attached to droplets that are released by an infected person when they cough or sneeze, even if they are asymptomatic. Another person who breathes in those droplets then becomes infected. 

The use of a facial covering is mandatory when shopping and waiting in line at a store, using and waiting for public transportation or a taxi/rideshare, seeking healthcare, or inside any workplace. While wearing a facial covering is not currently mandated when outside, it is strongly encouraged to do so and people should carry a facial covering with them at all times. The City’s website has additional information about masks .

With the weather warming up and more people heading outside, it is still crucial to follow social distancing guidelines. Taking appropriate social distancing and hygienic measures has proven to be effective is preventing the spread of the virus. Continue to:

  • Stay home except for essential activities

  • Remain at least six feet from others when outside, and 

  • Frequently wash your hands for 20 seconds. 

Your actions have a direct impact on the spread of the virus in our community, and I thank you for your continued support in taking appropriate actions and following the Shelter in Place Order .

Next Town Hall Tomorrow at Noon

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Join Mayor Jesse Arreguín, City Manager Dee Williams-Ridley, and Berkeley Health Officer Dr. Lisa Hernandez for a Virtual Town Hall where they will provide updates on the city’s response to COVID-19 and  answer your questions .

What: Virtual Town Hall on COVID-19

When: Tomorrow, Saturday, May 30, 12pm

Watch live at

Ask your questions by 9am tomorrow morning at

Jesse Arreguin