Vaccine Milestones and Expanded Availability, Full Reopening on the Horizon

Half of Berkeley Residents Now at Least Partially Vaccinated


Today the City of Berkeley reached a major milestone of having 50% of its population aged 16 and over receive at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Under the latest numbers, 52,948 people, or 50.0% of the City’s population 16 and over have gotten at least one dose, with 34,138 people (32.2%) receiving both doses of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccine. 72% of Berkeley residents aged 65 and over are now fully vaccinated.

Vaccinations are critical to saving lives, with all three vaccines approved for usage in the United States having a 100% effective rate of preventing death and severe illness from COVID-19. In addition to saving lives, vaccines are key to getting Berkeley back to business and reopening the economy.

From the moment Berkeley declared a local emergency, our City has been ahead of the curve. Be it outfitting local nursing homes with extra PPE, raising $4.5 million for Berkeley’s Relief Fund, housing vulnerable populations, or launching a coordinated vaccine rollout, Berkeley continues to tackle the pandemic head on. The vaccination campaign is another example, with Berkeley outpacing the nation’s rate which currently stands at 32% at least partially vaccinated, and California at 42%.

Equity has been an important part of the vaccine rollout, with Berkeley taking proactive measures to prioritize racial and socioeconomic equity. Our office has convened leaders in the Black and Latinx community as well as faith leaders and community-based organizations to strategize outreach efforts resulting in mobile clinics at local churches and community centers. Berkeley’s Department of Public Health and all our frontline workers who continue to serve this community have been absolute heroes, and we are grateful for their courage and commitment.

Expanding Vaccine Availability and How to Get Vaccinated

As of April 1st, any Berkeley resident aged 50 and older is eligible to get vaccinated. This is in addition to anyone aged 16 and older with an underlying health condition, and anyone who works in the following sectors: healthcare, food/agriculture, education/childcare, emergency services, public transit/commercial air travel, and janitors. Beginning on April 15, anyone aged 16 and over will be eligible to receive a vaccine. The FDA has not yet approved any vaccines for children under the age of 16.

The COVID-19 vaccine is free to get, regardless of your insurance status. To get notified on when appointments are available, sign up on the following links:

Jesse Arreguin