Catch Up on the Latest COVID-19 News

Below is a summary of the virtual Town Hall that took place on Monday, November 9. You can watch the full video by clicking the image below.

Case and Testing Updates

As of Monday, November 9, there have been 842 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Berkeley and nine deaths. While the number of deaths remain unchanged since mid-October, COVID positive cases have been on the rise, as they have been throughout the country. Mid-October saw the lowest case rates since May, with a seven day average of about one case per day. However, over the past week, that average has gone up to six cases per day. These numbers are not unexpected as relaxations of the Health Order slowly go into effect, but are concerning as we enter the flu and holiday season. You can read the latest numbers on our COVID-19 dashboard.

Testing continues to become easier and more efficient, with a seven day average of 1,057 tests being conducted each day. Test results typically come back within 24-48 hours. A total of 88,607 tests have been conducted on Berkeley residents since records began on March 2 with an overall positivity rate of 1.04% (down from 1.22% three weeks ago) and a four week average of 0.42% (up from 0.34% three weeks ago). For information on how to get tested, click here.

Latest Health Order

A recent revision to the Health Order now allows for the reopening of middle and high schools in Berkeley, in tandem with the County’s revised Health Order. While this order went into effect on Monday, November 9, do not expect schools to reopen right away. The Order states that before opening, schools must create and post site-specific plans that incorporate City criteria to reduce spread of COVID-19 among students, faculty and staff. While the situation may change, the most likely date of BUSD reopening schools, including elementary schools, is in January. Follow the latest on BUSD’s reopening plan here.

While there has been an increase in cases across Alameda County, it is not enough to warrant the County from moving backwards in the tiered system. During the weekly update on Tuesday, November 10, Alameda County remained in the orange tier, while 11 of California’s 58 counties moved to more restrictive tiers.

Reports on City's COVID-19 Response

At the October 27, 2020 Berkeley City Council meeting, City staff provided a presentation on its response to COVID-19 since it launched its Emergency Operations Center in January. The City mobilized over 550 employees from across all departments to address the crisis, including but not limited to: COVID-19 testing, work with vulnerable populations, public information and outreach, business & arts support, and cost recovery.

You can watch the report on the City’s YouTube page. It is broken into four segments:

Additionally, a report has been provided focusing on homeless response during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under Operation Safer Ground and the Berkeley Respite Program, 111 unhoused seniors and/or people with disabilities from 97 households have been moved into hotel rooms or trailers. 88 Berkeley clients have received rapid rehousing. Berkeley shelters are now open 24/7, providing three meals a day. We have worked closely with nonprofits to provide additional outreach ensuring that unhoused individuals have access to the resources needed during the COVID-19 crisis. You can read the presentation here.

Other Updates

  • Getting a flu vaccine is more important than ever in order to prevent a dual outbreak of flu and COVID-19, which have similar symptoms. For information on how to get a flu shot, click here.

  • There has been promising news this week with the announcement of a COVID-19 vaccine with a 90% protection rate. While mass distribution is not expected for at least several more months, we are beginning to develop the infrastructure to distribute the vaccine in our community once it becomes available.

  • Plans are underway to do a second round of fundraising for the Berkeley Relief Fund in time for the holiday season. Stay tuned for details on how to support our small businesses and arts organizations.

  • A new loan program has been launched for businesses impacted by COVID-19. Our Office of Economic Development has been working closely with the business community during these difficult times. For additional business resources, click here.

Jesse Arreguin